Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Fat Red-Haired Mutant

I have been reading this great book called, Mutants. I am on a part about skin color and melanotropin. If you are deficient in melanotropin, you are pale, red haired and fat.

Melanotropin prompts skin darkening. It's also helps receptors that act as appetite suppressant. People who are low in melanotropin are red-haired (strawberry blonde to auburn) and are much more likely to be fat because they don't have this capability to feel full.

Previous to the section on melantropin, there is a section on pie balding. A side effect is deafness. In so many words, our nervous system has a connection to our skin pigmentation.

Lacking melanotopin, is like going to a home construction and telling the foreman that he has to build the house without finishing nails. Almost all of the work will get done, but some stuff won't look right. The connection between crappy edging and big nails sticking out of the kitchen cabinets is the finishing nail deficiency.

For the researchers out there, this article is very long, dry and focussed on the science of melanotropin

(be warned, it's likely only a clear read if you are a doctor, a biologist or similar).

The question: how to stimulate melanotropin or mask its absence?

tags: diet mutant melanotropin

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